Sunday, September 18, 2011

September 13th

"When the time had come to be rid of the heroes, a plague would have been quite enough to settle the matter. But a war, a long, complicated war, was far more attractive."  - Page 101

This quote suggests that we are only puppets to the gods acting out for their own amusement. The world is our backdrop and within it a million different plays are being acted out. This quote goes further on the subjects we were talking about last week in which the Homeric say you are no longer in control, a god has posessed you (ate'). We are merely pawns on the gods chess board. Calasso mentions how Zeus wouldn't be interested watching a plague. He needs a battle to keep himself amused and to show emotions. Yes, even Zeus shows emotions. Calasso mentions how he even suffers and wanted to save Sarpedon. However this is just a moment of sublime, for to actually do this would go against everything god-like. War isn't just a spectactle for Zeus but for all Olympians.

The Magus is starting to get a lot more interesting. I left off with Urfe meeting his mysterious neighbor. He seems to be a very mysterious figure and even Urfe can't quite figure it out. There is also a couple mysteries going on now. Although Conchis claims to be the only inhabitor besides his maid, Urfe still has a strong feeling the belongings he found on the beach were female. He also finds a womans glove with the same scent on it as the beach towel. Starting to get interesting.

Today in class we did nothing but listen to our fellow classmates share their creation/origin myth. Some are very interesting and a lot of people seemed to pick the earh-diver myth.

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