Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 18th

" In Greece, anyone could offer a sacrifice. And no one checked up on him. But the image of the Magus, of that cold eye watching, checking, keeping guard, would make itself felt through occult paths, building up the image of an unassainable power that exercised total control over reality." - Page 247

This quote is very interesting because it shows a direct correlation between our two books, Calasso and the Magus. We brought it up once in class and kind of talked over it. It's basically saying that without a Magus, sacrifice is oblique. With the presence of the Magus, it creates a portal from man to gods and relays the message. I'm not going to go too much in detail about the quote i just thought it was interesting to note the correlation.

In class we were given the assignment to come up with a ritual to present to the class. We were also given the assignment to go into depth about the concept of ritual. I did a little research and this is what i came up with... Rituals are in and around us everyday of our life, although some may not be aware of it. Even people who don't realize it or want to admit it go through personal rituals throught their daily schedule. We need rituals in our lives as human beings. They have a spot in the human psyche.  In fact rituals can be viewed as experiences that everybody goes through throughout their lives. Our world without ritual wouldn't be the same.

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